
The aim of voltage and reactive power regulation in the electricity system is to supply to this system at the given moment just as much reactive power, how much this power system needs to ensure its safe, reliable and economical operation. This regulatory activity is continuously provided with high quality throughout the year and under all operating conditions of the power system.

The declared goal has to be completely fulfilled and in the same time no damage or significant reduction in technical lifetime of the power system device is allowed to occur. Likewise, it shall not be significantly damaged or negatively affected the equipment of any users of the system (manufacturers or end-users of electricity) or result in restrictions of their core business. In no case, for example, is possible, that the regulatory activity would result in restrictions of the production of active power of the power plant in order to ensure control of U and Q or to reduce electricity consumption of the end customers.


Ing. Jaromír Beran, CSc.
EGÚ Praha Engineering, a.s.
T:  +420 267 193 436
M:  +420 603 229 161
http: www.egu-prg.cz

Energie pod kontrolou

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