• Can the process of U and Q regulation lead in limitation of the active power production of the power plants?

The System of U and Q regulation with respect to its nature has no technical possibility to change the production of active power of the power plant; for U and Q  regulation the reactive power may be used only, which is – according to the operating diagram of the generator - corresponding with the current production of the active power.

  • Can the process of U and Q regulation lead to the damage of the power plant technology?

The System of U and Q regulation has a number of technical constraints the task of which is to eliminate the potential risk of damage of technology of the regulating power plants. The values of these limiting conditions are always to be approved by the representative of the power plant operator who may have them modified according to his concern at any time.

  • What is the difference - in the case of power plants - between the U and Q regulation and maintaining the set power factor cos φ?

The power plant when included into the System of U and Q regulation is supplying into the power system at the given moment as much reactive power as the power system needs. Produced active power is for drawing the reactive power the limiting condition. On the contrary, the power plant maintaining the set value of the power factor cos φ is supplying into the power system the reactive power according to the current production of the active power regardless of the power system (voltage ratios) need.

  • How to assess the suitability of the particular power plant involvement into the System of U and Q regulation?

By means of the OPF (Optimal Power Flow) off-line calculation it is possible to calculate the concrete power plant effect on the technical losses value reduction in the power system.

  • Is it necessary to involve all the generators of the power plant into the ASRU (The System of U and Q regulation)?

Yes. This is necessary because the generator being not involved in the System of U and Q regulation will be - when operating - acting against this regulatory system and so worsening the quality of the regulatory process.

  • How to assess the economic return of the System of U and Q regulation?

Purely in economic terms the only benefit can be expressed in the reduction of technical losses. Other benefits (safety and quality of electricity supply to the end customers) are evaluated by non-financial criteria.


Ing. Jaromír Beran, CSc.
EGÚ Praha Engineering, a.s.
T:  +420 267 193 436
M:  +420 603 229 161
http: www.egu-prg.cz

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